I hitched up my tiny skirt to reveal my stocking tops and suspender straps,

I had summoned him to my office. Despite being his wife’s boss and not his, I felt this was a matter to address with her submissive husband. Jon trembled in my presence. Quaked in his boots. I knew how much power I had over him from the get-go, and my power-dressing only added to my strength and control of the situation. I could see that he loved my short pinstripe skirt suit, shiny low-cut white satin blouse, fully fashioned nylon stockings and heels.
“Jon. It may seem odd to speak to you rather than Sarah, but you need to be made aware of your wife’s behaviour. Sarah has had her head in the clouds over the past month or so, completely lacking focus or direction. Anyway, I thought I’d bypass HR and go straight to you. Has she been acting like this at home as well?”
“Oh yes, I’m afraid to say she has. She’s very distracted and forgetful, and it really has taken a toll on our relationship.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Jon, but relieved to hear we’re on the same page with Sarah. It can’t have been easy for you having to deal with this, I guess you’ve been a bit…neglected.” I stared straight at Jon’s crotch. He visibly twitched.
“Errrm yes, you could say that.”
“Shame. And even more a shame that I’m going to have to let your wife go, so poor her performance is…”
“Oh no, please don’t do that,” begged Jon, “I’ll do anything!”
“Thought you might say that,” I winked. “Then how about we make a little deal? There are certain ways you could redress the balance and allow Sarah to keep her job. You’ve already mentioned you’re not getting much action in the bedroom department, and although I certainly am, I am always on the hunt for more. Such is my voracious sexual appetite…”
Jon was not about to say no. I moved around my desk to where he was sitting, grabbed him and kissed him passionately, leaving red lipstick smeared on his face. I hitched up my tiny pinstripe skirt to reveal my stocking tops and suspender straps, which he had already caught sight of. I sat on the desk in front of him, pulled my knickers to the side and pushed Jon’s face towards my wet pussy, glistening and ready for worship. I kept both my hands clamped around his head until he had worked his tongue around my clit and brought me to the edge of ecstasy.
“Oh yes. Just there!” I instructed as the pleasure intensified rapidly and I entered the orgasmic state, very noisily but then again it was MY office and I was the boss.
Jon was rock hard, I couldn’t wait to sit on his cocktail and ride my new toy. However, just as I’d slipped a condom on him, his phone rang. It was Sarah.
“Answer it,” I ordered.
“Hi Sarah,” he began. She began to talk, but it wasn’t going to stop me from what I was about to do. I sat on Jon’s lap, facing him, while I guided his throbbing hard-on into my very wet pussy and began to take Jon on the ride of his life, while he responded to a mundane call to his wife. I have to commend Jon on his ability to stay composed during the call as the chair he was in nearly toppled over due to the hip-thrusting movements that went on. Seconds after he ended the call, Jon came.
As he began to clean up his smeared lipstick, I gave Jon a menacing heads-up about what was to come next. “You know I know where you live. Your wife is here at work tomorrow. I’m taking the afternoon off to come round to your place. Prepare the marital bed. We’re going to fuck on it.”