Mark’s session was purely to be determined by my own whim, and I would not reveal to him which outcome I had chosen.....

Today has started well. I had a 10am booking with a regular client who was this time here for the sixth time. Mark has been seeing me as his Goddess Phoenix for over a year, and by now he knows how much I relish my morning bookings. After my 7am run and yoga routine, I feel healthy and glowing, and it’s also when my libido is at its highest!
Mark and I have previously played a game where we toss a coin at the beginning of the session. If it lands on ‘heads’, then he is permitted to fuck me. However, if it lands on ‘tails’, I tease him relentlessly and mercilessly for an hour, then send him home with blue balls. This morning’s session was a little different though, as this time there was no coin involved. Mark’s session was purely to be determined by my own whim, and I would not reveal to him which outcome I had chosen. The thing about me though, like many women, is that I am prone to changing my mind quite a lot, which could only make it more confusing for Mark.
As soon as he arrived, I whispered my greetings to him quite formally, and instructed him to strip naked and lie face up on the bed. I left him in the bedroom to do so while I fetched some sparkling water for both of us.
When I re-entered the bedroom, Mark had obediently followed my words and lay there with a rock-hard cock. I decided to tie his hands together with a very strong length of ribbon so he wouldn’t be able to touch me. “I haven’t decided whether you can fuck me or not,” I told him, “you are subject to my own sexual urges. You have been cunning by choosing to see me at this time of the day, when you know I am extremely horny, but I do have other ways of satisfying my desires”.
Mark could only watch, writhing and squirming, while I stripped to my stockings and lingerie and whipped out my favourite purple Jimmyjane vibrator. I lay next to him on the bed, rubbing the dildo gently over my clitoris and inside me, teasing myself (perhaps less so than Mark), and soon I was so wet that I fingered myself and rubbed my juice on Mark’s lips. He licked his lips hungrily, but I continued to play with my toy, on increasingly high vibration, until I brought myself to a forceful and exhilarating orgasm that made aftershocks pulse through my body.
“Maybe it’s your turn now, I teased,” running my fingernails lightly over his body, “but maybe it’s not!” I slapped and pulled on his nipples a few times, Mark’s delight that he was going to be fucked rapidly changing into disappointment. But this rollercoaster ride of anticipation wasn’t over yet! I ordered Mark to close his eyes. He could hear the sound of my 4-inch stiletto heels clicking on the floor, but where I was going or what I was doing was a mystery to Mark.
I got out a condom and slowly slipped a condom on Mark’s erect cock. Mark was once again excited because surely he was to get what he wanted now! But I just let out a cruel laugh. I reminded him that he was subject to my urges and gave his cock a light slap. After more teasing and cruelty, I began to rub my body over Mark’s, my breasts in his face, then grabbed his cock and rubbed the head against my clit. Mark’s excitement was now at a height, but I was also incredibly horny! I slid myself onto his cock. “Fuck me,” I commanded. Mark began to gyrate wildly, still with his hands tied behind his head. As soon as he began to tire, and his fucking became a tad less intense, I slid off him again. “That’s all you’re getting,” I said.
I untied Mark’s hands and let him wank into the condom until he came to a furious orgasm, all while I stood in front of him, playing with my pussy. He thanked his Goddess.
So that’s three fucks in six visits to me now for Mark (if one could count that as a fuck). I am feeling mentally and sexually satisfied, and the day is but young.
